Elevate Erie was the engagement and planning process held from 2022-2024 to update the Town of Erie Comprehensive Plan & Transportation Mobility Plan.

Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Erie Comprehensive Plan is an officially adopted policy document* that outlines the community’s vision and goals for the future. The Comprehensive Plan provides guidance for Town leadership, residents, and staff in making choices regarding Erie’s future, quality of life, and experience. The written goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, along with the Future Land Use map, provide guidance for decisions affecting growth and annexation, the use and development of land, preservation of open space, and the expansion of public facilities and services.

View the plan as a whole below and use the tools within the document to open in a new window, download, or print if desired.

*This document was approved on Oct. 8, 2024.

Project Overview

Elevate Erie is an update to the Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation Mobility Plan (TMP).

The updated and integrated plans will provide a foundation for Erie to continue to thrive, while elevating the Town’s quality of life into the future. Elevate Erie will provide longer term guidance for the community around growth, land use, multimodal transportation, housing, design and community character, parks and open spaces, tourism and recreation, sustainability and resilience, and economic development, among other topics.

Erie’s current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2005 and updated in 2015. The Transportation Plan was last updated in 2018. Since the last updates, the Town has continued to change, not only as the result of growth and development, but also due to changing priorities and evolving values of the community. To ensure our plan represents an accurate, comprehensive, and inclusive vision for the Town’s future, Elevate Erie will focus on key topics such as:

  • Mobility and enhanced transportation options
  • Sustainability and resilience
  • Affordable housing
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Other topics identified by the community






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