The Town of Erie invites you to provide input on the Town’s updated Water Efficiency and Drought & Water Supply Shortage Master Plans.

Every seven years, the Town revises the plans to deliver a thorough water management strategy with many proactive ways to secure a new water supply and provide an excellent infrastructure for customers. The Town continues to champion best management practices and will need everyone’s help to achieve water conservation and efficiency goals now and for years to come.

Water Efficiency

As you will see in the Draft Water Efficiency Plan, the Town would like to achieve a 10% water savings in 10 years - '10 in 10'. When comparing projected water demands at historical average levels (127 gallons per person per day), this means 115 gallons per day. Please join us and identify the best ways to conserve water and use it most efficiently. Every conservation effort is meaningful and makes a difference. If each of us saves a little water, together we will save a lot!

Drought Management

We also welcome your input on the drought and water shortage response actions, including various levels of water restrictions if the Board of Trustees declares a drought or water shortage. While the Town has a secure water supply portfolio, drought is a natural part of Colorado’s climate. Therefore the Town chooses to be proactive in developing a response plan to address such a shortage (see summarized response actions in Table E-1 and Section 7 of the Draft Drought Management Plan).

Thank you in advance for your time and thoughtful consideration of how you can play a critical role in ensuring the Town’s resiliency.

Water Efficiency Plan Forum

<p>Share your input to the Water Efficiency Plan here.</p>

Drought Management Plan Forum

<p>Share your input about the Drought Management Plan here!</p>